We use PowerSchool's Schoology as our Learning Management System (LMS). Students use Schoology to view content, turn in assignments, and view grades. Using parent accounts, parents can view their child(ren)'s grades, completed assignments, teacher comments on assignments, and keep in contact with teachers. Click here for the Getting Started guide.
Creating a Parent Account/Forgot Parent Account Password
Parents will need a parent access code from their child's teacher to create the parent account. Parents will use their own e-mail address and password to create and sign into the account. If a parent has additional children, those children can be linked to the same parent account with each child's parent access code. The sign up steps can be found on the access code document from your child's teacher.
If you already have a parent account and have forgotten your password, it can be reset on the Schoology website. Go to www.schoology.com, click on Log in, and then click on Forgot your password.
Parent View and Viewing Grades
Parents: When signing into Schoology, you may see your name in the upper, right corner instead of your child's name. If this is the case, click on your name and then select your child. You can switch to another student up here as well. The Student Activity area will show recent updates from teachers and work submitted by your child. Under the Enrollments tab, current course grades can be viewed. The Courses tab at the top will show your child's current courses. If you select one of the courses, it'll show materials the teacher has posted, grades, and updates.
The Grade Report tab allows you to view your child's grades. The Current tab shows current course grades. Clicking on each course to expand to show grades from each semester. If a semester is clicked, each quarter of that semester is shown. When the quarter is selected, grades will be broken down into grading categories such as Classwork, Homework, Tests (dependent on the categories the teacher has setup). If a category is selected, individual assignment grades and comments (if any) will be shown. Grades for past school years can be viewed in the same way under the Past tab near the top of the page.
A parent view instructional video can be found on YouTube. Grade documentation is available on PowerSchool's Schoology help page.
Using the App
Schoology has app instructions on their website. On the Schoology app, parents will choose the Log in through www.schoology.com option.
Click here for iOS/iPadOS and Android app login instructions.
Student Login Information
Students logging in using a device other than a school issued Chromebook will use TheirUsername@student.alleneastschools.org for their username. Example: 30smitr@student.alleneastschools.org would be Robert Smith's username. Student passwords are their lunch number (student ID) with their first and last initials. An example for Robert Smith is 123456rs. New students from the 2021-2022 school year on will use their lunch number with their first, middle, and last initials. Example: Robert L. Smith's lunch number is 12345, so his password is 12345rls
Click here for iOS/iPadOS and Android app login instructions.
Submitting Assignments
Only student accounts can submit assignments in Schoology. Directions to submit assignments in Schoology can be found here.
Login Pages: